Thursday, October 13, 2005

Little Miss Addie

Adelaide is now 6 1/2 months old. She has 7 teeth. She is in the 97th percentile for height. She still looks just like her Dada and yet amazingly resembles London. She adores her brother and squeals anytime he gets near her. She is expanding her noise repetoire and likes everyone to know it. She loves to smile and bounce in her exersaucer. She can go days without crying. She loves to watch people. She also likes to torture her Mama (as if pregnancy, labor and delivery weren't torture enough) by frequent night wakings, staying awake for hours on end. But she also loves her naps (probably because of her night waking enjoyment).

All in all, this girl.. She's a keeper.


Anonymous said...

What a cutie!!!

Anonymous said...

so cute!!
