Wednesday, July 26, 2006

If you can't stand the relentless heat, retreat to the kitchen

The heat here is horrible. My poor swollen pregnant body officially HATES the hot weather. We are in our 11th straight day of triple digit temperatures. People, I tell you this should be illegal. Our air conditioner runs for about 20 straight hours a day. Do you know what that does to our utility bill?! I die inside a little each time I look at it. And even with the air running constantly all day long it is still about 82 degrees in this house. It is too hot to go outside. The kids are going crazy. I'm going crazy. I need cooler weather. It is essential to my well-being (and that of those who live in close proximity to me). Today is supposed to be the last day of 100 degree weather. The infamouse Delta Breeze is gearing up and will kick in by tomorrow and bring the temperature down into the 90s. And by Sunday, the high 80s. And get this.. It will actually cool off at night. No more 76 degree lows.. We are talking lows in the 60s. My prayers have been answered. Maybe now my ankles will stop being so swollen and I will stop being so grumpy. Maybe.

The heat makes it near impossible to turn my oven on, as that heats the house up tremendously. And of course, in the middle of the heat wave, I get a call for a catering job. The client (a referral!) is coming over this Friday to taste test some things, talk prices, menu, etc. The job is a party for close to 100 people on August 19th. How stoked am I?! This will be my first job that doesn't involve me knowing the person who hires me! And to think someone referred me! (I know who did the referring and I am so grateful to them!). So I am preparing for the meeting on Friday, getting some things pre-made and testing other things (stuffed mushrooms, which has been requested - the likes of which I have never made before....). It will be interesting and I hope the client likes me enough to hire me. How exciting! Now, I must get my pregnant, barefoot self back into the kitchen.

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