Friday, May 27, 2005

Various rants

Okay, so here it is. No rhyme, no reason.. Just jumpin on the blog bandwagon (ALL ABOARD). Seems to be the new craze so I figure, why not? I am very much inspired by my most favorite blogger out there, Dooce. Those of you who know who that is I'm sure enjoy her as much as I do. She rocks the blog.

So that's it. We'll see where this leads. I'm not sure if I'm at a point in my life that I want a serious relationship. I'll have to test the waters and see. Maybe the waters won't be so nice.

What did my day consist of? Thanks for asking. Basically, being a mother of 2 children (my son is 2 years old and my daughter is 2 months old today) I am very well acquainted with dirty diapers. We're old friends. I spend most days doing just that.. Changing diapers. I also feed them when hungry, console them when crying, entertain them when bored and make sure they don't hurt themselves (this takes a very watchful eye with my 2 year old).

My rant for today is this.. Some magazine (Details or something of that caliber) recently named Tom Cruise as the ALL TIME best actor. Now folks, don't get me wrong, Tom Cruise is a great actor (one of the best of all time). But I must disagree. The BEST actor that ever was? I think not. Now had they crowned Johnny Depp with that title, I wouldn't have even batted an eyelash at the thought. That guy is amazing.. (Have you seen Secret Window?). The depth of his portrayals of such unique and varying characters is mind blowing (and he is very, very easy on the eyes). I have been thinking for days who I think is the BEST ACTOR OF ALL TIME and I haven't come up with an answer. But I am certainly uneasy about Tom Cruise having that title. I will have to ponder that some more.

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