Monday, September 19, 2005

Bittersweet at its best

So, it's official. Britney's new baby is named Sean Preston. I must say I am vainly tickled silly that they didn't go with London. BUT now I will feel like a sheep if we had another girl and named her Sean. I guess we'll burn that bridge when we cross over into white trash land and live amongst Britney and Kevin's people.

I am now just asking myself WHO CARES? Why should I let the famous of this world dictate what I do or don't name my child? Plus, I can rest easy knowing I have cuter kids than most of them. Not that it's a contest.. But if it were, we'd clearly be the winners.


Anonymous said...

WOW JAIME! Let's go play poker!

Seriously, you need to get your kids into modeling. They are way to cute for their own good. Spread the cuteness!

Anonymous said...

ok, now my poker comment makes no sense.

I'm not from around here said...

That's okay Kristin, it makes total sense to me..
