Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Sixteen candles

I wish. Sixteen was a good age. Sophmore in high school. Got my first car, a blue '77 Toyota Corona wagon, which never made it on the street (legally). I shortly thereafter got my second car (a family hand me down), an '84 Datsun. I loved that car. I had great friends. And I had not a care in the world (except how my hair looked and if that certain boy actually knew I existed). I lived with my parents. I spent my money on gas, car insurance, clothes and eating at Duchess. Oh sweet Duchess how I miss you.

Tomorrow I turn 29. 29. That's one, two, three, four, TWENTY-NINE. One year away from the big one. And my cares are now too many to count. I now spend my money on the house, the kids, the cars. But I have awesome friends. I now live next door to my parents. And the best thing(s) of all.. The worth in my life.. My husband and my children. They keep me going. They make me smile. They make me feel loved. And that's the best feeling of all.

I am one blessed almost 29 year old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy belated birthday! woohoo!!!!