Thursday, March 16, 2006

The final countdown

So it's here. The final two days before THE BIG DAY. My first official catering gig. It couldn't have come at a worse time. Or maybe this pregnancy couldn't have come at a worse time. Being just at the end of my first trimester I am still left feeling yucky and more tired than a caterpillar trying to make its way through hot gum on the sidewalk of despair.

Today is it. There are no more days to put anything off. My preparations must begin today. I sit here exhausted out of my mind, almost in tears because all I want to do is lay down and sleep. But with two kids to care for and a butt load of baking to be done there will be no rest for me. Tuesday was a very bad sick day for me. The contents of my undigested lunch (macaroni and cheese and hot dog) were projected from my body at a force so great that the human body should never ever have to experience. I am still reeling from that experience. It has left me almost completely unable to eat. And since food = energy (which I am so low on anyway) you can see my dilemma.

I can not procrastinate any longer. I have cookie doughs, white chocolate candies and a cheesecake to make today. Tomorrow it's lime tarts, mini crumb cakes, chocolate mousse and baking the cookie doughs. Then Saturday I have over 200 strawberries to dip in chocolate.

On a totally different subject, I got another ultrasound done yesterday. I am 12 weeks, so the baby actually looks like a little tiny baby. Cute little Beany McBeanster. It totally jumped and wiggled during the ultrasound. Great, that's what I need, another active one. How about one, just one, calm mellow baby? One who doesn't start sprouting teeth at 3 months, walking at 10 months and the other one whos favorite activity is to spin in circles. Is that too much to ask for?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better! Can you drink a protein shake, you think? When I had my wisdom teeth taken out, Jeanne bought be protein shakes from The Zone. I usually hate protein shakes, but now I'm addicted to them. You can find them at Target for about $5.99.

I know you'll do great with all the baking. You're an incredible baker! I'll be praying for you :)