Thursday, March 09, 2006

Reunited and it feels so good

I have rediscovered a love of my youth. TANG. My dear, long lost friend. I am sorry we have been apart for so many years.

I was at Costco perusing the drink section. I got me some Countrytime Lemonade mix (a staple in our house each time the weather warms), some Raspberry Iced Tea mix (new discovery.. so good!!) and there it was.. In all its orange glory. Calling out to me. TANG!!! Oh man. I broke it open yesterday and had some, for the first time in too many years. Oh man. It is even better than I remember it. It is now my new addiction. This baby is going to come out orange and addicted to Tang. And that is okay with me.

Do yourselves a favor. Rediscover something from your own youth. You won't be sorry.


Anonymous said...

Have you ever tried Emergen-C? It's a packet of powder with vitamins and other good stuff that you add to water...for some reason it reminds me of TANG. Well, at least that's what I have convinced myself of it tasting like so I can get it down.

I'm not from around here said...

I actually have tried Emergen-C. While it has the orange flavor, it is nowhere near as intense or sweet as Tang. Though definitely much better for you than Tang!

I love the way Emergen-C fizzes when you add it to water. Magic!