Tuesday, May 09, 2006


We have termites. Western subterranean termites that live way underground. They look like flying ants. They are what is known in the termite world as swarmers. They are the scouts sent out this time of year (once the colony has gotten too big) to locate vacant space and start new colonies. Once they find a place to start a new colony they shed their wings and mate. Fabulous. The great thing about these underground termites is you can have them for years and years and not know it until one day (last Friday) they dig a tunnel out of the side of your foundation and start scouting.

We had the termite people out here to "fix" the problem. Their solution should last about 10 years. In my calculations, that means we just spent $110 per year for the next 10 years to hopefully keep us termite free. Of course if we move, we just payed for the future owners to not have to worry their pretty little heads about our winged friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had a swarm come into our apartment last year. It was the Friday before hurricane Katrina and it was really warm that evening. I left the sliding glass door and screen door open so that the cats could come in and out from the patio. I remember keeping the lights off in the room and not paying much attention to much of anything as I closed things up before bed. The following morning we woke up early to go to Sacramento, we then returned later that night. As I walked into the dark room I felt crunching under my bare feet. I turned on the light to find the entire bedroom covered with termites. They were on the floor, on the bed, in the bed, under the bed, in the closet, in the dresser, etc. I freaked out! We just assumed they came in through the wall - we didn't think about the fact that they probably came in the night before when I left the door open. I refused to sleep in the room that night and ended up on the couch. I remember waking up at 6am and turned on the television to watch the coverage of the hurricane. Strange story...we all have yucky termite stories. It sucks! Sorry you guys have to go through it.