Monday, February 13, 2006

A day late and a dollar short...

I am always behind. I'm never on time. Ever. I totally meant to post on Saturday, it was London's 3rd birthday. My firstborn, my son, my bubba. He turned 3. We had a SpongeBob party for him. He was so excited! We decorated the living room before we went to bed Friday night, so he'd wake up to it. He loved it! It's so great to experience those moments.

We still can't believe he's 3. Now granted, it's not like he's 16, I know. But still. Each year older he gets just blows us away. People have always told me to cherish these times because it passes in the blink of an eye. These last 3 years certainly have passed that quickly, as I know the next 3 will. He is becoming such a little man. He talks non-stop. He is a curious sort. And he is active as all get out. His shins have been continuously bruised since he was 8 months old! His manners are great. He is becoming so polite (most times without our urging!). He says please, thank you, excuse me and I'm sorry. He loves his sister and absolutely adores his Dada. Yesterday he woke up from his afternoon nap and started crying. When I went in to get him I said "Hi Bubba". He said "Mama, I cry" and I said "I know, why were you crying?" And he replied "Because I love you". I'm not quite sure what that means, but it melts my heart nonetheless.

London was my first lesson in complete and utter selflessness. My first experience of loving something more than I thought possible the very first time I saw him. He has been a test of patience and faith. He has deepened my relationship with God. He has changed my relationship with my husband. He has brought laughter and tears and unconditional love into my life. I praise God for blessing us with London. Our lives are better, richer because of him. He will always be my little Bubba, no matter how big he gets.


Anonymous said...

Ah, so cute! Happy Birthday London!

Anonymous said...

Great!!! Thanks for such a beautiful note. I, too am blessed.

Love, Jich