Thursday, December 22, 2005

If you ever see me in a crowd of people, RUN!

These past couple of days have kept me busy. It included a Christmas lunch with my old co-workers (miss you guys). We exchanged presents. Among the presents I got were Fraggle Rock season 1 and Wonder Woman seasons 1 & 2. I'm so stoked.

I have been in my kitchen more hours than I care to admit (what with 2 kids I've been neglecting). Over the last 2 days I have made Blueberry Hazelnut Biscotti, Cherry Almond Granola, Hazelnut Truffles, Orange Ginger Biscotti, Three Chocolate Toffee Bars and Cherry Chocolate Biscotti. Those are actually baked and done. Now over the next 2 days I will be busy with all the cookie doughs I have in my freezer. That will be 2 days of straight baking (at least Gabe will be home to look after the kids). But I love it.

Today I was able to get out sans kids and do some last minute shopping (thanks to our new babysitter who is available during the week to give me the chance to run more errands without the kids. She is my new best friend.). It was raining pretty hard at times, which made my decision to wear flip flops a horrible one. Today's outing would have made us complete in the Christmas shopping department except that I forgot that movie theaters only take cash. So the gift certificates I needed to buy were not bought, as I did not have any cash. So now I have to run back there tomorrow, again, to finalize the shopping. I hate last minute shopping. I just want to be done with the stores and the people and the going out in the rain. I am not a big fan of crowds. The only places I'll tolerate massive amounts of people are Disneyland, Chili's and Starbucks. When too many people congregate in one place brain power seems to weaken and common sense gets lost. And I am all for brain power and common sense. So for the sake of my sanity and the wellfare of others I try really hard to avoid the crowds. And you know, since Christmas is all about God sending His Son to save us all, I know I have to love these people. But they don't make it very easy.

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