Thursday, July 07, 2005

Just the other day

Okay, so here's what happens to me when I finally find an affordable fridge, very close by, that I can purchase for our garage....

So I take a trip just down the street to a tag sale I hear has a side-by-side fridge for sale, $100. I figure I'll go, offer $75 and that'd be a great deal. So, as I'm checking out the merchandise with the lady seller who barely has any teeth (she's easily in her 30s) and can't stop moving her hand (withdrawal maybe?) a Folsom police officer pulls up behind my Jeep. He comes up the drive, a man comes out of the house with a bandage on his nose (with just as few teeth as the woman) and the officer begins his questioning. He's asking for ID, do they live there?, have they ever been arrested before?, what was the situation? Now, as I'm perusing the fridge I start to ask myself "What is the proper ettiquete in this situation?". Do I stay and try and buy the fridge that I really, really want? Do I leave and come back later and hope that the tag sale is still going on? I really didn't want to miss this opportunity to buy the fridge. So I awkwardly stood looking at the fridge and talking with the woman (the cop was more interested in the guy with the bandage). Turns out a neighbor of there's called the cops on them for some sort of assault.. (I saw the said neighbor standing just behind his garage, watching what was going on as I drove by after I made my purchase). I also heard that the said neighbor was tormenting him earlier in the day. As the bandaged guy would put up his tag sales signs, old said neighbor would follow behind him pulling them out. Not sure what's up with that.. But sounds like one of those annoying neighbors who has nothing better to do with his time but fill it with what everyone else is doing. Granted, I'm sure the couple who sold me the fridge was no picnic in the neighbor department (word on the street is they are heavy drug users) but still.. Following behind him tearing down his tag sale signs, when it's not even in front of your house?

So that's my story, for what it's worth. It was quite an experience. Please don't get me wrong, I happen to live in a very nice, secluded neighborhood. Not one known for drug problems. These people happened to be renting that house.. And lucky for me they were. Cause now I have my lovely fridge and freezer out in the garage. And I am happy about that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha! i remember you telling us that steve. awww the shame.

jaime, good deal on that fridge!