Tuesday, July 26, 2005


I am amazed how much London seems to love Adelaide. Really, she is the invasion to his perfectly happy, only child life. He has taken to her better than I imagined. When she's not around he asks for her. When she cries he immediately tries to comfort her (either by rocking her or giving her kisses or telling her it's okay). Today Addie was chilling in her bouncy seat, sucking her pacifier. It fell out and London stopped what he was doing and put it back in her mouth. That was sweet. Now I know there will soon come a time when I will hear "Addie stop crying" and "Stop looking at me" and "Stop touching me". And there may even be assaults and wrestling matches. And the sharing... Once Adelaide is mobile and touching London's toys, well, I just don't think he's going to like that. But maybe by that point he'll be a little better at sharing.

Above all, one of our biggest hopes for our children is that they grow up to be the best of friends. And that they are always there for each other, no strings (or judgements) attached. That is one of the things we will teach them. To always love and respect and watch out for each other. Family is the most important thing.

I think they're off to a good start.

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