Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The saga continues

So, Adelaide has cut her second tooth (it actually happened a couple days ago). She turns 4 months old in a week. I think that means in a couple more months she'll start PMSing. This poor little girl (who looks ultra cute with her one big tooth sticking out when she smiles) shouldn't have had to deal with teething this early. Life is hard enough. She's just starting to learn how to chew on things other than her fingers. I don't know what is in our genes that makes our children grow teeth so early. Since London cut his first 2 at 5 months and Adelaide now at 3 months, maybe that means the next one will start at 1 month.. Sheesh. And then if there's a 4th baby, maybe that kid will be born with teeth. That's not even funny.

Other than that, in light of the recent Jude Law scandal, I am very sad. I highly enjoy Jude Law (did you see Cold Mountain?!). What a tangled web we weave Mr. Law. What on earth were you thinking?

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